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First 5 California & First 5 Glenn County

yellow sunflowers
field of sunflowers
a field of flowers
a field of flowers


The California Children and Families First Act created the California Children and Families Commission, also known as First 5 California. The name First 5 comes from current brain development research that clearly indicates that a child's emotional, physical and intellectual environment in the first five years of life has a profound impact on how the brain is organized. Early experiences significantly influence how a child will function in school and later in life. Attention to and investment in the lives of young children is a powerful means of preventing future difficulties, such as physical, mental, social and emotional development delays and disturbances.
The California Children and Families Act of 1998 was designed to provide, on a community-by-community basis, a comprehensive, integrated system of early childhood development services for all children prenatal to five years of age, in order to lay the emotional, physical and intellectual foundation for every child to enter school ready to learn and become productive, well-adjusted members of society.

First 5 California is the statewide coordinator and leadership agency for the Act. In addition, there are 58 County Commissions, including Glenn County First 5, which are charged with local decision-making and funding. Eighty-percent of the revenues from the Act goes directly to the County Commissions.The amount of state funds allocated to Glenn County is based on the annual county birth rate.

The Glenn County Children and Families Commission, also known as First 5 Glenn County, was created in 1999 to:
  • evaluate the current and projected needs of young children and their families in Glenn County
  • develop a strategic plan that describes how community needs will be addressed
  • determine how to expend local monies - approximately $300,000 annually - provided by the Act
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of programs and activities funded in accordance with the strategic plan
First 5 Glenn County makes vital decisions to improve the lives of children ages 0 to 5, pregnant women and their families. First 5 Glenn County funds Early Learning Education, Adult and Professional Education, Prenatal, Infant, Toddler and Child Health - Dental - Mental Health as well as Child Care Referrals and over site support for all other programs that promote Early Childhood Development in Glenn County California. 

First 5 Glenn County Vision & Mission Statement

First 5 Glenn County
Vision Statement
Children in Glenn County will thrive in supportive, nurturing and loving families and communities and be positively prepared to enter and succeed in school to become productive, well-adjusted members of society.
Mission Statement
The Glenn County Children and Families Commission is committed to providing and enhancing quality early childhood development services for all Glenn County children, prenatal to age five, and their families.

Small Population County Augmentation Funding

"In the Small Population County Funding Augmentation (SPCFA) program, First 5 California provides supplemental funding above the legislated allocation of annual tax revenues to First 5 commissions in 20 counties with the smallest proportion of statewide births. Initiated in FY 1999–2000, the First 5 California Commission provided funding of up to $200,000 to small population counties to help ensure the implementation of the California Children and Families Act (Proposition 10) as a statewide effort. On January 26, 2017, the State Commission approved an annual investment of up to $8.625 million in additional funding over four years (July 1, 2017–June 30, 2021) for 20 small population county commissions to ensure core operations and services for children and families in these communities. For FY 2017–18, 16 of the 20 small counties expended approximately $3.9 million."
  - First 5 California Annual Report
boy in grey sweatshirt looking at flower

Dual Language Learner Pilot

"First 5 California’s Dual Language Learner (DLL) Pilot Study is examining culturally and linguistically responsive and effective intentional teaching, family engagement, and professional development strategies for DLLs. The DLL Pilot Study also will examine how to optimize home language and promote dual language acquisition of DLL children ages birth to age five in early learning settings. Unlike a traditional pilot where an investment is made in new programs, which are then evaluated, this pilot is studying existing strategies implemented in early learning settings with young DLLs and their families, and the conditions under which they are effective. The DLL Pilot Study is designed to fill gaps in existing research by intentionally including early learning and care settings serving infants and toddlers (as well as preschoolers), unlicensed community-based settings (as well as licensed early learning and care settings), and a variety of languages spoken across California with an eye toward strategies that can be scaled and implemented statewide. The DLL Pilot Study is being conducted by the American Institutes for Research (AIR) and its partners, and is driven by stakeholder input and F5CA’s Strategic Plan. The Study will be implemented in three phases:
• Phase 1—Background information gathered through interviews with leaders in 16 counties selected based on the counties’ diversity, and a survey of recommended and randomly selected early learning settings about their DLL practices.
• Phase 2—In-depth study of DLL strategies (family engagement, professional development, and teaching strategies) through site and classroom observations, teacher surveys, parent interviews, and child assessments.
• Phase 3—Replicate effective strategies identified in Phase 2 in other setting types and age groups. Findings from First 5 California’s DLL Pilot study will inform early childhood education preparation programs, quality improvement and rating in Quality Counts California, and state and local policy makers. Study findings also will be used to increase early educators’, families’, and the general public’s awareness about the benefits of bilingualism and home language. First 5 California’s investment in the DLL Pilot is approximately $20 million over five years: $7.5 million for AIR’s evaluation and $12.5 million to support the counties and regions chosen to participate in the evaluation (FY 2017–18 through 2020–21)"
  - First 5 California Annual Report 2017-18
First 5 California Dual Language Learner Pilot Fact Sheet, child laying head on green blanket

Kits for New Parents

"In 2018, First 5 California changed the Kit’s packaging from a box to a colorful, reusable bag containing a health handbook, an early brain development brochure and tip card, a poison control brochure and magnet, and other important information on paid family leave, and literacy and learning. This redesigned Kit also includes the Parent Guide, a new resource written in collaboration with UC Berkeley’s Health Research for Action. The Guide includes tips for parents on keeping their children healthy and safe, developmental milestones, handling emotional and behavioral challenges, finding quality childcare, and much more. First 5 county commissions are encouraged to add local references and resources to the Kit to help inform parents about services in their own communities."
  - First 5 California Annual Report 2017-18
parenting kits showing all its contents

First 5 Express

"Since 2006, First 5 California’s mobile outreach tour has traveled to every corner of the state, reaching out to families and caregivers of children ages 0 to 5 in all 58 counties. This interactive exhibit called the First 5 Express features “Edutainers” who educate parents and caregivers, and entertain children. The Express teaches families about a wide variety of topics, including nutrition, physical activity, oral health, literacy, and most recently, early brain development. In FY 2017–18, the exhibit traveled to 182 schools, libraries, resource centers, community festivals, county fairs, and other family oriented events. The Edutainers directly engaged with more than 39,272 people who walked away with helpful First 5 resources. Over 164,845 newly designed resources were distributed, including a branded hand puppet to give parents and caregivers a tool to spark conversation with their young children; bilingual storybooks to help make reading a regular routine; a healthy portions plate to encourage a balanced diet; and age-appropriate musical instruments to bring out the joy of song. Together with the already established Kit for New Parents; “Fast, Fresh, and Fun Food from First 5” cookbooks; brain development information; and our newest First 5 California branded bilingual book, Three Brainy Birds, families were provided resources to reinforce the healthy behaviors they experienced. • 44% of events took place in low-income communities. • 52% of events occurred in communities with diverse populations. • 43% of events occurred in rural communities."
  - First 5 California Annual Report 2017-18 
first 5 Express children looking at man holding elephant puppet first 5 epress event children sitting on mats children looking at woman holding a book

Tobacco Cessation

"Through First 5 California’s investment in the California Smokers’ Helpline, parents and caregivers receive information and tools to help them quit smoking and using other tobacco products—especially around children or while pregnant. Parental smoking and secondhand smoke exposure have been linked to a range of ailments in babies and young children, including asthma, ear infections, pneumonia, bronchitis, and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). There also has been a rise in reports of young children accidentally ingesting the nicotine-containing e-liquid used in electronic cigarettes (vapes). To reduce the incidence of these health problems, and to help smokers quit, in FY 2017–18, First 5 California supported the California Smokers’ Helpline with $1.4 million for tobacco cessation services for parents and caregivers of young children. Participants are provided with telephone counseling and also receive free nicotine patches sent directly to their homes. Training also was provided for pediatric care providers to screen for secondhand smoke exposure. The toll-free Helpline (1-800-NO-BUTTS) provides one-on-one telephone counseling, self-help materials, and referrals to local resources. Helpline counselors follow protocols that were scientifically proven to double the rate of successful long-term quitting. Counselors and callers work together to develop a plan to quit, and continue interaction during the quitting process which increases the likelihood of long-term success. These services are provided in English, Spanish, Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese), Korean, and Vietnamese. Participants also receive free nicotine patches, sent directly to their homes. (If contraindicated [may not be advisable based on the health status of the caller] as with pregnant smokers, the Helpline first obtains medical approval before dispensing.)"
  -First 5 California Annual Report 2017-18
tobacco cessation graphs california smokers helpline 1-800-NO-BUTTS

Census 2020

Accoring to the Census Bureau, "the long-standing undercount of young children in decennial censuses and in Census Bureau surveys. Evaluations show that Census Bureau surveys like the American Community Survey, the Current Population Survey, and the Survey of Income and Program Participation also undercount young children, which can result in biased survey estimates. The differential undercount of this population across geography and demographics makes this a larger problem for some racial and ethnic groups and some parts of the country. However, this issue is not unique to the United States, as research has shown that many other countries have a high net undercount of young children in their censuses.
In response to this pervasive issue, the Census Bureau has spent years researching children who were missed in the 2010 Census and taken many steps to attempt to reduce this undercount in the 2020 Census."
logos and family drawing


"On July 25, 2019, the First 5 California Commission approved $103 million for IMPACT 2020, a renewed commitment to the innovative First 5 IMPACT (Improve and Maximize Programs so All Children Thrive) approach, which partners First 5 California and local First 5 county commissions with the state’s Quality Counts California (QCC) system."