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*Beginning fiscal year 2010, First 5 Glenn County's Commission restructured funding policies and there were no major or mini-grants made available due to decline in revenue.  Funding for Glenn County is leveraged and supportive of partnering with schools, agencies and services supportive of children 0-5 years of age.*

First 5 Glenn County also happily supports programs for mothers, fathers, teen parents, custodial grandparents, foster parents, pregnant women and Professional Development training's for Educators of all children from birth to five years of age. 

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All Transitional and Traditional kindergarten classrooms in Glenn County are offered support from First 5 AmeriCorps members. First 5 leveraging Federal funding with Prevention of Child Abuse California has made it possible to support the teachers and children in these classrooms. There are three initiatives that are supported by First 5 California, California's Department of Education and Prevention Child Abuse California.  These initiatives are Social-Emotional, Literacy and Numeracy development and support for children's academic growth and performance. Child Care Providers and Teachers receive support and techniques.

Kindergarten Teachers of Glenn County Schools will receive support and training with assessments and classroom management. Customizing behavioral plans, environmental plans, skills and curriculum in meeting the needs of children.


The First 5 Glenn County Children and Families Commission is committed to fostering innovative programs that address the diverse needs of our county's children. Commission funds are allocated, whenever possible, to build on existing efforts, leverage funding, fill gaps in services, and to create a system of convenient and affordable programs for young children and families. The Commission has worked extensively with parents, community members, experts in child development, service providers and local government to implement its Strategies through a variety of services.


Glenn County's First 5 Meet to Reach Mutual Agreement
The Meet to Reach Mutual Agreement (MRMA) process is a non-competitive grant making process that requires organizations to collaborate and work more efficiently. The MRMA process follows the following steps:

  1. The Commission determines that an MRMA process will be utilized for an agreed upon Strategy.
  2. Guidelines are developed for the MRMA process by the collective Commission of First 5 Glenn County.
  3. The First 5 Commission partners with all Glenn service agencies (non-profit and public agencies) to develop a plan to better serve children, avoiding duplication of services and inefficiencies;
  4. The Plan is submitted to the Program Grants Review Committee for review;
  5. The Program Grants Review Committee recommends funding the plan at a Commission meeting;
  6. The full Commission reviews, discusses, and approves the plan;
  7. All Committee and Commission meetings are public meetings and include public comment.